The reprisal of past dates ends tomorrow. Note: See post below this one entitled The Lyin' King if you are a middle aged broad like me.
(Press play button on lower left of this box. It's right there. A little grey triangle. )
I arranged my company's Christmas party at Romeo Cucina in Laguna Beach.
I arrived early so I sat down with the restaurant employees to help fold napkins. This is where I met The Younger Man.
I showed the lad how to fold a napkin into fan. What can I say, I have skills.
I'd hired a video company, Boogie Heads, for entertainment.
I thought the idea was more then hilarious. My colleagues didn't seem to agree. I guess people don't want to make a fool of themselves in front of their bosses. Oddly, I can't seem to avoid it.
Convincing my co-workers to join in was like pulling teeth. The Younger Man (the restaurant's piano player) jumped in to my rescue. We made 12 videos. Eventually, everyone joined in and had a great time.
The kid was adorable. Despite being young enough to be my son, the wee lad asked me out. I said "no". He was 25 years old for Pete's sake.
Later, I actually regretted saying no after a friend gently suggested, "It's for the best you did not accept the date. He's young and you know he would have only wanted one thing."
I thought, he probably wants the same thing my 50-something year old dates want.
(press play button on lower left of box)
I saw the video. I think I'd drop more than a dollar in the tip jar (like maybe your phone number)!
I wonder if he'll remember me. How could he forget. He got a CD of our videos too. Too bad I was SUCH a DORK in them. Jeesh
you seem really fascinating.
somehow it feels like we've met before.
have you ever been to delaware?
Hey JJ,
If you think I'm fascinating then, we have met somewhere. Have you ever been to Tijuana?
Why are you posting old stuff? Look at your boobs in that first video. They look like.... MINE. ha ha. kidding.
The Cap and I are... same ol'. I need to jump ship, but I'm chicken.
I've been waiting for the other situation to just blow over since I wasn't really involved. It did get a little blown out of proporation. But one never knows what one is going thru unless you walk in thier shoes (on both your sides... ya know?).
You are flat out hilarious!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to make you laugh.
Where is your follower gadget?
I absolutely love these videos!!
I cannot figure out how it was done, but i likey!!!
Your facial expressions are priceless! Your adorable!!!
My facial expressions in those videos reminds me of my sleep apnea. Totally repulsive but oddly hilarious when recorded.
Love ya Lady,
They actually remind me of some of the contortions you were doing at 230 (wink)
y'know, i appreciate the play button instructions. some people assume that we are all that technologically savvy...
anyway, the videos are funny stuff.
and may i humbly suggest, that if you find making the videos entertaining, a 25 year old is poifikt!
Charmaine, You are a hoot! I loved the "he is only after one thing" comment and I'm with long as they have a heartbeat age doesn't seem to matter. They are all the same in that department. Love your blog and I'll be back.
Yeah...young guys only want one thing...and that makes them different from old guys how???
Bonus: they're frikken adorable. So long as you don't take them at all seriously.
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