Don't laugh. This is the FIRST radish harvested from my garden. Can you see it?

How about now? I realize a microscope might be helpful.
a I'm establishing a small radish stand at the local Farmer's Market. How people will respond to under-developed, insect ridden mealy radishes with birth defects is one of my questions.
OMG you're alive :)) Beautiful. I am just happy to see you, precious ;) xxx
Isn't the first fruit you pick from your labors the best?
It's the best when you pick stuff from your garden. :-)
you should put it back and let it grow some!!! plant some aspargus next. or carrots.
Myabe the gardner poisoned them on you.
Looks like you are on your way!
Eat Well. Live Well.
So, now you're pursuing underage flora? Are you trying to become the first vegetable cougar or what? Unhand that jailbait radish, and direct your attentions to more mature veggies, my lustrous lingonberry of lusciousness.
I will have you know that my intentions with the, as of yet too young radish, are noble.
I'm gonna sell the sucker. Picture me fresh out of a scene from "Oliver". Remember the lady strolling the streets selling roses?
I will sing (dressed like a wench of course, "Who will buyyyy my sweet sweet radishes, twooo sprouts for a penny."
If you dress like a wench and sing "two sprouts for a penny" you might just get more than you bargained for. ;)
"I'm gonna sell the sucker."
So you've become a vegetative madam, mistress of a fruit bordello? For shame.
Hedgie, not a fruit bordello, a vegetable bordello.
I have standards, ya know.
No fruit tarts, just vegetable tarts, is that it? So you're just arranging asparagus assignations, and overseeing endive escorts and broccoli bimbos?
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