Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Big Day

The Matador and I are going to the doctor today. (Not a "real" doctor.)

He's picking me up.

He made the appointment. When we were dancing my leg was numb and I stumbled. No...I was NOT drunk. Okay, maybe a little....

It's still numb.

It wouldn't surprise me if he scooped me up and carried me.

It wouldn't surprise me if he threw down his jacket over a puddle.

...he's the Matador.

Yea...I still have a "thing" for the "King". But the Matador actually DID something. I don't care what you say. All I care about is what you do.

But something is off. I can't put my finger on it. I will. I'll get there. I always do.


tjames said...

If you didn't still have a thing for the king would you like matador better?

webberpa said...

sigh...such is love, sad to see another beautiful gal smitten by the spanish love bug...The Matador: sounds like alot of BULL to me!!! Hehehehe Are you going to the doctor, or playing doctor?

Marinka said...

Please keep us posted!

Char said...

Something is off? Dig deeper.

LL said...

I can't see how a numb leg would be much fun. Worry about that first, then we can talk about the Matador...

Michelle said...

Have a threesome!!!

Perhaps the King will bring salad!!

Anonymous said...

Trust your gut instincts on this one girl!!

If something is off...then I'd be backing up and running the other way...