Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to present the current cast of characters:

The Artist. 10 years younger then I. He's from England. He's charming in an irreverant British way. He say's things like, "Jesus I was bloody strip searched at the airport yesterday".

Which man I should date? The teacher/coach is pulling ahead. As IF I'm gonna listen. None of the above is frequently my choice.
i would love to see the King, the Matador and also the Argentinian. are you gonna intro to us as well? or sorry, uve posted b4? always a late bloomer. :(
where is the Argentinian?? I wanna see HIM!
Email me
LyN - You can find The King if you scroll down to older posts twice. April 5th is a blog entitled, "Men in Trees". That's him.
Mrs. K - I don't have a pic of the Argentinian cuz I didn't meet him on-line. I know..I want to take his pic so you can see him. But how do I do that without looking like an idiot?
Michelle - I need it.
the teacher/coach reminds me a bit of a young version of my Dad, so I'm rooting for him.
But, take your time...
Are you now back to square one?
Eat Well. Live Well.
The Artist. Maybe you could just go out with his dog.
Paul - Yes, I'm back to square one. But I'm not sure I was really anywhere else to begin with.
Oh, the British guy. Ask him to mash your bangers. I think that's sexy talk in England--not sure.
hey there, you ever answered my the question about ESD, and does this make me like 10th in line.. hmmm if I gotta pick a number i may as well go to the butcher..ahahahaha..
oh bye way the dude on the far left in middle pic looks just like the old dude on the bottom..hmmmm
good luck sista
Ya know, to make your collection complete, you need at least one defrocked priest.
Or do you already have one of those you just haven't mentioned yet?
Holy carp! These are your choices? And this is the best you can do?
Sorry babe... gonna have to go with option D again. None of the above.
Hedgie - no one makes me laugh out loud the way you do. "A drefrocked priest?" Damn it...I'm still laughing. Can't stop. Still laughing....
LL- What? They are perfectly reasonable nice guys. Give the poor bastards a break.
Damn Hedgie - I just scrolled down to see your comment re: the Argentinian where you called me "Little Miss Green Card".
I burst in laughter. Are you sure you don't want to date me?
What?!? And spoil the illusion? (Whether yours or mine, I'll leave safely ambiguous.)
Besides, sweetie, as I've told you before, you're way too young for me. Why, you're young enough to be . . . hmm, ah, uh, . . . , oh, yeah, my ex wife.
I love Hedgie.
Who knew?
There was a film with Peter O'toole and some young girl.
She was a disgusting ignoramous and he was a scholar. Yet they had something to offer each other. It ended badly, of course. As do all tragic love affairs.
Can you have an affair with someone on a blog? No. But people, it's fun to try.
I greatly esteem Hedgie. I will never meet him.
Ah, well, my curvaceously-ripened lingonberry of delight, we'll always have Paris.
No, wait, that was someone else . . . .
Come to think of it, I have never been to Paris; that must have been two entirely different someone elses.
And in response to your "I've just come home from a bridal shower. There was wine. I'm a little tipsy":
I've just come home from B&N. There was chai. I'm a little teapot.
I wonder what's going on with the Argentinian. Argentinians are so effing hott ! I love the Latin passion.
yeahhhh what happened to the Argentian...of THESE three, i'd go for the artist....accents do me in, plus guys who like dogs are usually more humane than is the ones with cats you have to worry about
We have to let go of the Argentinian. And yes, he was hot. No doubt about it.
On the second date he tried to kiss me. I couldn't do it.
I thought he was, well, kind of stupid. (I'm no brain surgeon.) But I'm not a total moron.
Something wasn't right. You've just got to trust me on this one.
Beware of Argentines smuggling pampas grass.
Re: You and the Argentinian- you know you can't handle the heat of a Latin luvah...
I'm not liking any of these new guys. B.O.R.I.N.G. and they all look short.
If I were you I would find another group, they all look like pansies if ya ask me. There should be ground rules like: NO foreigners. They dont talk right. Unless you're not into much talk, then, o.k.; NO short dudes. They all look short. And kinda gay, too. Sorry.
Man oh man, I love you guys.
The first one is a youn little think he's potty trained yet; the dog? The second...something untrustworthy looking about him...I think he is still using BrillCream (they still make that shit?). The third, he's just not right for you.
Why can't you get back with the Produce King? I really heart Men in Trees!
Normally being British I would say go with the Brit but he looks a bit dorky - sorry Brit guy! I like the coach
I like the teacher/coach and the artist. I could not abide by someone who bored the bloody hell out of me though, so scrap the latino ... I swear that's all a myth anyway!
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