Sunday, May 31, 2009

Losing my Mojo?

The gardener re-scheduled for Monday night. Hmm...

Another date for Monday night (I forgot about) texted to cancel.

So I agreed to Monday.

Then I realized I am having dinner with my neighbours on Monday. So it's cancel, cancel. Already I'm running out of steam. Things fizzle in a flash people.

If you're a dingbat, is it wise to date another dingbat? Maybe the Universe is protecting me from this accomplished Playboy. You know I don't have the skills to deal with that! He already broke my my hand. What next? I could lose my whole head?

I'm just a simple country girl plowing the radish fields in my gigham dress and pigtails. I'm hitting the triangle calling "Pa" to dinner as we speak.

Sure, I can dress up the exterior with the acumen of a drag queen but, hell, it's just an "act".

Do I hear music? Time for another performance...


♥ Braja said...

You mentioned "peformance"....I thought you were gonna dance...

I'm waitin'....

Anonymous said...

well wait why did he cancel? i'm not giving up yet ;)

me said...

You said hes all man and you like that.... problem? I get the feeling women have had so many disfunctional relationships they are unaware of how a real one actually works.... come on ellie mae! Planting a garden is sexy business! ravage him back!

Charmaine said...

braja - click on the youtube link at end of post. i AM dancing! I wanna be the grag queen in blue. he's pretty.

Mrs.K - he forgot he was meeting hi "cousin" fron Ohio...a girl. he did reschedule immediately. i dunno.

f1trey - men can be terrific liers. so to combat this a woman needs to go SLOW to shake out the playboys. when you divert from this srategy, which i sort of did, you're rolling the dice

me said...

Charmaine youre a smart girl....hehehehe shake out the chaff.....Men are like salesmen ..they want to sell you their personna.. (surprise surprise) Buyer beware!

Thanks for asking! I had everything a man could want in a woman (EVERYTHING). and I didnt "lose" her in a classic sense.... I gave her up because she couldnt work my kids into her heart and one day she just "lost it" and i had to choose between her or my kids... she still crys about it when I talk to her and my life is very empty for the moment but I made the right choice. As for getting her back she has said she was sorry but she never tried to fix the problem and thought I would just "sweep it under the rug" and let her back in because we were soulmates. After it was clear that she would have to grow as a person to make things right....she chose another path. In her eagerness to heal what she had broken she went out partying AND sleeping around to ease her pain AND bury our memory AND make me jealous. It had the opposite affect on me. So just like the butterfly poem....I had to let her go.....

webberpa said...

In the words of that guy from "My Fair Lady", why cant a woman be more like a man? Just quit being a pain in the butt and stop analyzing every damn little thing. And quit dating produce guys and artzy-gay-guys. Plow the fields farmgirl!!

me said...

LOL webberpa's quote reminds me of dudley moores conversation with Julie andrews in the movie 10. Julie--- "George your just afraid to lose like a man and admit youre wrong"
Dudley-- "I wouldnt be so afraid to lose like a man if you werent so damned determined to win like one!" LOL

LL said...

Ah the thought of you in a gingham dress and pigtails...

Michelle said...

Hi Charmaine,
How are you feeling? I am sorry about your broken finger!

Miss you!

P.O.M. said...

I'm so freakin' behind in your life.
No more mother stories? I know you have 'em.
Broken finger??? I broke my pinky punching someone (guess). I didn't go to doctor. I'ts starting to heal all creepy-like.

Why the hell did you let Evil come back? Ick.

You going to be around for CDM 5k?

SweetPeaSurry said...

Grasshoppah ...

yeah ... well that's all I have so far ... give me some time, I'm sure I'll come up with SOMETHING brilliant here.

Okay ... maybe no ... maybe next time. Maybe next time Gardener acts as a pack mule in the garden for ya ... yup ... then I'll be clever.

In the meantime ... what's fo dinnah? I'm starving!!!

blessings and chin UP girl!!!

Joyce and Dorothy said...

Forget your man problems, girly... get your ass over to our porch where the ammunition and alcohol are free, and lets shoot up some neighbors together. That'll get you in the spirit. And like that Braja says, you mention performance and we think you're gonna dance...