I’m having dinner with an Austrian. I don’t really like Austrian men.
I was in Vienna for the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth. There were operas galore. I even jumped on a train whisking me to Prague for a production of Don Giovanni. But then again, I don’t really like Mozart’s operas. I’m an opera snob. Give me Puccini.
I was at a production of The Magic Flute at the Vienna Opera House. At halftime, I mean intermission; a group of well-dressed Austrian men practically ran over me on their way to the bar.
One man cut in front of me to order champagne for him and is overweight wife.
I was in high-heels. He practically knocked me over.
So I’m having dinner tonight with an Austrian. His wife and adorable child will be there too. Okay, so it’s not a date.
I was in Vienna for the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth. There were operas galore. I even jumped on a train whisking me to Prague for a production of Don Giovanni. But then again, I don’t really like Mozart’s operas. I’m an opera snob. Give me Puccini.
I was at a production of The Magic Flute at the Vienna Opera House. At halftime, I mean intermission; a group of well-dressed Austrian men practically ran over me on their way to the bar.
One man cut in front of me to order champagne for him and is overweight wife.
I was in high-heels. He practically knocked me over.
So I’m having dinner tonight with an Austrian. His wife and adorable child will be there too. Okay, so it’s not a date.
I just wish I could remember their names. Helmut and Chelsea? Hans and Morgan?
I have no idea.
Why didn’t I write it down?
PS: We had an earthquake last night. It was six (6) seconds of sheer terror, that is, if you’re a single broad living alone. I called my sister. My brother-in-law picked up. “That’s it,” he said. “You’re moving back to Denver”. “I’m picking you up next week”.
So I'm not a big fan of Mozart's Opera's BUT I love his music. Above, is the slow movement from Mozart's Concerto No. 23. (Yep, I play it...badly.) It features, my hero, Horowitz and my other hero, Carlo Maria Giulini (the conductor) who is, I dunno...GORGEOUS!!! See that orchestra? They are from La Scala Milano...the most famous opera house in the world.
Hello? (Crickets)
I believe you are speaking about Teatro alla Scala.. and what a grand place it is.. I was there in April for " I due Foscari" an adaptation of Lord Byrons play.. the opera was written by Verdi.. not your "A Typical" Opera.. lots of political overtones...of course it has the father son thing and love vs power, all in all it was amazing.
I often forget how refined you can be when you are not falling off your heels OR your boobs aren't bursting out, LOL.. Enjoy the Austrians, going for schnitzel?
Classical music...Zzzzzzzz....
oh, what?? Were you talking about THAT kind of music?
Ah..it's all right..but it seriously puts me to sleep..All three of my kids like the stuff(amazingly since they were teens). I think being in band had something to do with that...seems to have opened up a whole new door for them..
My kids even love Sinatra..who would have thunk???
Have fun on your non-date!
Yes, they are from Teatro La Scala but the orchestra is not a theatre.
I can't believe you were there. So damn lucky you are.
I like Verdi. Nothing wrong with La Traviata.
You're moving to Denver because of six seconds of terror? Oh my ... we need to get you some help ... house stabalizers and whacha-me-whoosits!!! Stand in a doorway girl ... and always have a martini mix at the ready!!!
The only opera I can ever really remember is Pagliacci...I like the the really famous part where the clown sings his heart out, but cannot get the image of kramer on Seinfled singing it. Damn that show...
Good luck with the Austrian!
Halftime - bwahahahahahaha!
Hello beautiful!! How are you doing? My goodness I've been out of the loop. Seems like you're holding down the fort here nicely still torturing men, being funny and educating us with your musical knowledge.
Carry on then! Don't be a stranger! :)
I watched Amadeus once... does that count?
Ummm... do they serve hot dogs and beer at the opera?
Veramente? Un'orchestra non è un teatro, mi scusa per colpire leggermente un nome al teatro dell'opera. La fortuna ha avuto niente a che fare con esso. Ho voluto andare e così ho fatto.
My mom's side of the family lives in Austria, and my mom was born and raised in Salzburg.
I've been to Mozart's birthplace many times, as my grandma used to work next door to it as a realtor.
I don't really like Austrian men much either. Not very romantic. I prefer the Latin flavor, lol.
Haben Sie einen guten Abendessen !
Right. So, I have no idea what Jimsight just said, but even if he said he likes baked squirrels with a side of cockroaches, I've just developed a crush on him because who doesn't love a man who knows Italian?!
Hopefully they wont ditch you at the restaurant.
Stranger? You are! Don't you love me anymore??
HEY JIM!!!! What up yo?
When she was a teenager, my mother moved from North Carolina to Bakersfield, California for a year.
While there, she experienced her first tremors and earthquakes. It terrorized her, yet she said the locals acted as if nothing was happening!
Eat Well. Live Well.
Huge Mozart fan here. Amadeus got me.
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