Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I was sick.

It was little over a year ago. I had a fever of 105.
That’s high for an adult.
I was incapacitated on my couch..
My cell phone was in the bedroom. All I had to do was walk the 14 steps to retrieve it and call 911…
I didn’t want to because I was cold. I knew what they would do to me…put me on one of those ice beds to reduce my body temperature. Death was, frankly, more appealing.
I was wrapped in a million blankets, heat blaring and still…I could not move. I began to hallucinate but I’m not certain cuz I was hallucinating, I think.  What's that blurry image, Mommy is that you?
This is what it means to be single. To know your cell phone is steps away, completely incapable of reaching it…


Senorita said...

Ooh that sucks, I had a miserable fever last year, and no one was there to help. I sat in the tub of cold water, which really didn't help.

Charmaine said...

Nothing helps. Aspirin and time...is all.

Maybe a gun...I dunno.

Irish Gumbo said...


Perfect description, Charmaine, perfect...would make a good short story or essay, too. :)


The Peach Tart said...

That's sad honey.

me said...

baby....your body will heal..... your heart is the issue..... we can get you some sudafed and hot toddys.... what you need is good old fashioned luvins.....

Mike said...

You have an award on my site.

Diva's Thoughts said...

My girlfriend and I had this conversation the other day. How we are single and live by ourselves and what if we really got sick or died...how would that play out? Pathetic I know. lol

Briana said...

Since I have 3 kids, I have spent a lot of time in the pediatrician's office. When they have had a high fever, the doctor's recommend alternating tylenol and ibuprofen. But to get some relief earlier, they suggest a warm bath, not cold. If the water is cold, the body thinks it needs to raise your temperature. If it's warm, it does much better at lowering it. It works very well.

Charmaine said...

Oh. I never even thought of that.

Quite smart actually.

Joanie said...

This is the first time in 29 years that I'm living alone. Now I'm scared!

Sharon said...

Beautiful woman, you described it perfectly. I hate that part.