I am propelling forward a stereotype. I have to live with that.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words they are not required. I WILL, however, point out some charming features:

2. My hand. What on earth am I doing with my hand? I was trying fit in with the Devil-worshipers.
It, um, didn't work.

4. The average age of the punk-rock gang Devil worshipers? 18.
5. The skeleton barrette. Pretty. You can't see, but it has a tiny gun glued at the wrist to complete the fashion forward accessory. Acessory to murder, I'm thinking.
I don't know why you continue to torture yourself like this.
AND there is also an "EXIT" sign above his head...*hint, hint*. If memory serves me correctly, he exits at will, without warning, leaving you stranded. You are hopeless, my dear!
shit- why didn't you make this a contest with prizes and everything? maybe produce for a year or something!? I SO WAS the first one to guess it right... fuck.
That barrette takes your attire from doable straight to... classy.
You guys look so happy, like made for each other...you should just go ahead and get married, if nothing other than a reason to throw one hell of a good party!!!
yay! raise them horns! : )
Love the hairclip
Is it my imagination or are you getting even thinner?
This is getting quite interesting Charmaine!
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