Dates with The King are an adventure.
We went to Starbucks and to the Swap Meet to buy ridiculous sunglasses and hats. Why you ask? Oh, no reason.
We rented bikes and rode 15 miles along the boardwalk. 

They loved him. "Did your wife make you wear those shorts?" They asked.

"She told you they were nice? She lied. She didn't want other women to look at you." they jested.
The King went toe to toe with them until one said, "This guy wants his own show". Of course women love The King. The thing I REALLY like about him is that men love him too. (Hopefully not in THAT way.)
I spoke too soon.

Audiance participants bent over. A break dancer leapt over the lot.

The King asked someone to take our picture. I love that he is unintimidated by anyone or anything.

For a couple of old farts that qualify for the Senior Citizen's discount, I think we're kinda cute.
What would a normal person do after a long day?

Take a Merry-Go-Ride, of course. Duh.
The view from the top.

No matter what you say, The King is O.K. by me.

Haha! You guys looked like a twenty-ish couple!
Wow, that is a lot of things in one day. But super fun!!! Now that I live in the ghetto, I miss all those fun things :(
You-know-who is baaaaack! For now at least. Not the loadmaster.
Your hair is super long. I'm not free Thur or Fri, but any other night. Tue or Wed?????
OMG, I'm jealous !
Looks like you had a lot of fun, I should move to southern Cali.
Those pics remind me of my summer in Barcelona.
The King is hot and ya'll look so cute. Not like a couple of old farts at all. I want some of those sunglasses.
Senorita - Come out and visit anytime. I'll take you out on the town and have you married off by midnight. I am NOT even kidding.
Peachy - It's funny. I'm pushing 50 and The King is pushing 60. Still, we can hold our own with the whipper snappers.
Darlin' for all the problems you've had with the King he sure seems like he's up for a good time. Wanting the best for you. = Michele
Awww how fun!!! I love that outing!
Great pics. Happy to hear that you two are having a blast.
Mike -
What does a fun date mean, anyway?
I'm looking for so much more. I think, once again, it's time to eject.
I had no idea you knew how to ride a bike!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Eat Well. Live Well.
Only you will know Charmaine. If you don't define it you'll never know when you get it. Write down what happiness would look to you and see if it's realistic.
Looks like a great way to weekend to me!
I can see why you are stuck on him. And why he is stuck on himself.
You look as gorgeous as ever!
You are so gorgeous Charmaine!
Miss ya!
man that is a week or two's worth of fun tymes!! so glad you had such a great time - i was getting worried, always reading about the BAD dates
I am still seeing the same guy who responded to my revised profile....you had me take of the cat allergy...and dammit to hell, he has 4 of them.....but fortunately i have been gone most of the summer and the welcome back to town has always been really really dare I repeat myself REALLY nice....
Mike - Of course I'm stuck on him. I can't help it. I get nervous... then I want to throw a monkey wrench in it (before he does). I always push people away that can hurt me.
It's my way. :-) So far, this technique isn't really working.
Looks like you just enjoy hanging out at places where guys dont wear thier shirts. ;)
Char, I would never call you batshit crazy...I am not that bad! Nor that witty, I guess. I keep forgeting to chech my other blog.
I have a friend that his first love and wife who he did so much for and loved. Cheated on him and screwed him over. Since then he attack first in all his relationships before he is hurt. All his relationships have been disasters since then which is about 20 years. You may need to learn a new technique.
*shakes head slowly*
You have very edible toes, by the way....
Char, thank your for your lovely words, old age gets to me, too, but one good thing about that is I dont know or care who hears what I say. Is that alzheimers? I dunno/dont care either. *SMILE* I am happy in my own house! I have been know to break dance, too but not on purpose, know what I mean?
The king sounds cool.
Hello budleigh!
haven't been around, and i'm missing all the news...
This was obviously One Good Day.
I so hope you have many, many more like this.
love ya,
SH xx
that looks like the PERFECT DATE!!!
I LOVED it! And you are both so adorable.
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