Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Monday's Le Farm Report, a copywritten feature of this blog.

Pa said if a 5-foot termater plant produces jest one termater...I did something wrong.

I gots me a green bell pepper. I did something right.
I don't care what they learned ya in school... but lettuce IS a tree.

An rights on over yonder we have some green termaters, like in the movie, "Fried Green Termators".

And thats me, Farmer Char, bringing you this live report from the rural backwoods of Corona Del Mar, California. Come back later ya'll, won't you?
Oh, now I want a tomato sandwich!
Farmer Charm? Where's your bib overalls? You could really rock the bra strap with those...
Looks like some bugs have been enjoying your termaters, too. And I love the lettuce tree or is it genetically engineered and glows at night?
It's here:
I want to hear, "I just called to say I love you."
Or, alternatively, "Hey Charmaine. This is Dad. I'm not really dead. I was kidnapped by Hare Krishnas and they let me out. Can you come pick me up on the corner of Arapahoe and Main Street?"
Lettuce is definitely one the shortest trees I've seen!!!
Nice melons, uh, er... I mean radishes and tomatoes....
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