Thursday, November 27, 2008


JIMSIGHT said...

Yay a bubble...I love bubbles...

Charmaine said...

These must be champagne bubbles.

I had so much champagne at my shin dig....hiccup.

JIMSIGHT said...

So they took me to the Indian Casino tonight, I swear I don't really belong to this family. I tried to tell them no, because I am going to Vegas next month but they insisted...oh well...

Charmaine said...

Indian Casino? Nooooooo.

I walked into one once on my way back from Vegas. I was with "The Vern". He's a gambler.

All I can say is...I don't get it.

JIMSIGHT said...

Dear lord it was a nightmare, I am no snob but serioulsy I would rather have been at bingo in Pittsburgh...LOL..