Monday, March 7, 2011

I met "HIM".

Our eyes met...a song played in my head:

It's not really my style.  It just happened... to happen.

He calls...

I allow my girlfriends to listen to his voice mails.  His voice is deep and mellifluous. woman on earth could resist.  But I can.

I'm frightened.  Afraid of getting hurt, again. 

He's gorgeous and succesful.

I'm stuck...and fearful.


secret agent woman said...

You're not seriously going to pass up meeting him are you?

Charmaine said...

Secret - Heck no. I'm just being a momentary scardy cat. He's just so damn's intimidating.

Anonymous said...

You're HOT too Woman!!! Don't let it intimidate you! I don't see you as a woman who is easily intimidated...

HumorSmith said...

Good on ya Char. I am still waiting to meet "Herm".