I don't know what it is about men and fruit. For me, they seem to inextricably tied together. There was farmer john (UPS driver by day) who send me crates of oranges. Bad Guy Gone Good who brought small case of Avocados. And now...there the King of Produce.
KOP and I met at , Bandera...where else, and I was pleasantly surprised. Dan looks alot better in person. He was warm and frankly kinda weird. Nerdy arrogant kind of nerdy. He owns his own produce storage business. We had appetizers and he claimed not to know how to eat an artichoke. I broke severe protocol, which for me is basically being a bitch, and helped him dunk his roasted artichoke leaves into the dip....etc. I'm trying to be a softer, gentler Charmaine.
Of COURSE it's an "act".
Then we had dinner and he grabbed me to kiss me. I didn't feel anything. The next day I got an email from a guy on this NEW website I just joined http://www.plentyoffish.com/ asking me if "that was me" in the restaurant last night.
Yep. Total stranger from internet emailing me to tell me he was standing next to me last night. Young feller too. He asked I wanted to 'hang out". Jesus.