He asked me to go snowmobiling this weekend. I couldn't help but notice his "guns".
Very nice.

I like motorcycles. He's manly in a totally HOT Keanu Reeves way! I am SO going to meet him.

Nothing wrong with this picture of him.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh. (inhales) Ahhhhhh.
Now WHY did he have to go and do THAT?......WHY??
Wow...is all I can say
THAT is hysterical!!!
Nancy - What WAS that? I simply cannot meet a man who does the splits. I just can't.
Rebecca - Is he a body builder? Is THAT it? It's so...wrong. (sigh)
being limber is good, in many ways.....
SSP: no, No, NOOO. Well, maybe I should meet him. A motorcycle ride...I'm thinking...hmmm
My friend Simon likes him, just pass your rejects this way, (though Simon asks if you could just check everything's in working order after the splits pic.)
Yes, very hot looking...but, really? the splits???? In a body builder contest??? I've never seen that before!!!
ah, just go for it Char..You just never know!!
Wha? You're saying that real men don't split? :P
LL - ha.
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