ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Against my better judgement I decided to meet shortboard last week.
I hesitated because he is 34 years old.
It was this picture that changed my mind.
After our first date I was surprised. He didn't do anything wrong. He didn't make me pay, try to bite my lip off or stare at my chest or for that matter, grab it. (See Dr. Cop-a-Feel for more of that action) . I agreed to a second date.
Shortboard (he's a surfer with an MBA) showed up at the restaurant a tad late. I arrived a tad early. I ran into a colleague and sat with her and her boyfriend until he arrived.
I politely asked my friend's boyfriend, "Could you do me a favor? Could you NOT stand up when you meet my date?"
Basically, my friend's boyfriend is as tall as my date...sitting down.
Basically, my friend's boyfriend is as tall as my date...sitting down.
Shortboard arrived on the stairs and heard me say, "Oh My God. There he is. What do I do?"
I don't have an explanation for making this statement. It's like I'm fluctuating between 45 and 12.
a He walked over (he was wearing the same sneakers in the photo with a pink sweater tied around his waist...do men try to hide their butts too?). I introduced everyone. Then he grabbed my hand and we sprinted, no actually flew, to the other side of the room. My martini is spilling ....spill...spill...hey slow down....spill...spill.
We dined on Quail, Scallops and Lamb chops. Shortboard was more sophisticated then I thought...until he spoke.
We dined on Quail, Scallops and Lamb chops. Shortboard was more sophisticated then I thought...until he spoke.
"I've been on a date at this restaurant before. After dinner we went back to her place to mess around and she told me she was a lesbian." he said. (Huh? Mess around?) He peppered the conversation with sex for the rest of the evening. This is not the Shortboard from date one (1).
After dinner he asked if we could"go back to my place to make out".
I was tempted... I need kissing practise.
But I didn't. I gave him a ride to his car. It was the dreaded, what I live to avoid, second date kiss time.
He gave me a little kiss and then sat there... looking at me without speaking. He inquired; "Do you want more?"
I cracked up. I said, "Um. Ok".
I cracked up. I said, "Um. Ok".
He told me I was a good kisser.
Praise Jesus.
I'm not ready for the "younger man" "just sex" deal. Hell, I'm not ready for "I'm madly in love with you sex" deal.
But that doesn't mean I can't think about it.
Restaurant Date Report
The Cannery Restaurant
The Quail was fantastic. It was a little like eating your pet parakeet but that's half the fun. It was dark brown and roasted to caramelized perfection. The scallops had a hoison sauce that had been slightly reduced to almost the texture of melted Carmel...some interesting baby greens. Delish. The lamb looked good but I actually took it home because I was full. I haven't tried it. I might not because I actually left it in the car all night. Can bacteria get into your car if you have the windows closed?
Restaurant Date Report
The Cannery Restaurant
The Quail was fantastic. It was a little like eating your pet parakeet but that's half the fun. It was dark brown and roasted to caramelized perfection. The scallops had a hoison sauce that had been slightly reduced to almost the texture of melted Carmel...some interesting baby greens. Delish. The lamb looked good but I actually took it home because I was full. I haven't tried it. I might not because I actually left it in the car all night. Can bacteria get into your car if you have the windows closed?